14 Best Fat Burning Foods

Weight Loss Help
10 min readJun 28, 2021

Best diet plan for beginners

Well if you are thinking of losing weight then you are in the right place. Diet plays a very important role in your weight loss journey. The weight loss formula is very simple. The net calories consumed should be less than the net calories burned. So it can be either done by exercise, workout, or some strict diet plan.

The biggest mistake people do is not tracking their plans about their nutrition or maybe their calories. Tracking is very important as it helps you in knowing your mistakes and improving. There are great apps out there that help you to track your plans. Some are paid and some are free like Cronometer.

Cronometer is an amazing app that is Free and will help you immensely throughout your weight loss journey. Click here to check the complete review of Cronometer.

So as you understood the simple equation of how weight loss works, let me tell you that not all the foods you consume will pay equally. But I have gathered all the best fat-burning foods for you in one place. I have also mentioned a great product that many of them used to get some great results. Keep an eye for that too. So let’s start.

Boiled Eggs for weight loss
Photo by Mustafa Bashari on Unsplash

1) Boiled Eggs ( whole eggs)

Whole Eggs are one of the secret ingredients you should eat if you are thinking to lose weight. Eating eggs in the morning helps you to get the needed nutrients and gives you fulfillment when you are on a calorie-restricted diet. It has proteins, fat and is filled with nutrients.

But refrain from eating lots of eggs as that can be very bad for your health. As eggs give you fulfillness you are more prone to eat less throughout the day. It also helps you in losing weight which is altogether a plus. Studies show that people who have started eating eggs for breakfast felt more complete and achieved amazing results.

Chicken Breast and Beef for weight loss
Photo by Sam Moqadam on Unsplash

2) Beef and Chicken Breast

Many people say that meat is very bad, it makes you gain weight. Some say red meat causes diabetes. Well, these all are false acclaims.

Meat is a great source of rich protein content and protein helps you to lose weight fast. If you are not consuming meat then thinking of adding it to your diet plan. Many people say that adding meat or protein to their diet has helped them lose weight by 0.45kg in a week.

Eating a high protein meal helps you in burning at least 50–70 calories in a day. If you are on a low-carb diet then definitely think of adding meat to your diet plan.



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3) Tuna Fish

Tuna is a fish that has low-fat content, making it desirable to eat. It has great protein content and so many people consider this in their meat plan.

This is consumed a lot by bodybuilders and fitness models as it has low fat and rich protein content and obviously tastes good in the right hands.

Salmon Fish
Photo by Caroline Attwood on Unsplash

4) Salmon Fish

Salmon is a healthy fish that is loaded with good fat and fewer calories. Eating Salmon keeps your appetite full and helps you stop cravings.

It is full of high-quality proteins, fat, and essential nutrients. Fish and seafood contain iodine which really helps in maintaining the proper thyroid level. This directly helps in getting your metabolism running which helps you in losing weight.

Salmon contains Omega-3-fatty acids which help in reducing inflammation. Inflammation causes obesity and metabolic diseases.

Boiled Potatoes For Weight Loss
Photo by Lars Blankers on Unsplash

5) Boiled Potatoes

Boiled potatoes are really great and I don’t understand why people do not think of considering them. Boiled Potatoes contain potassium which is very rare in other foods and it helps in controlling blood pressure. It contains almost every nutrient you ever need that will help you in losing weight.

White boiled potatoes can be mashed up and added to your daily breakfast it is easy. Many people say that eating boiled potatoes for breakfast makes them fulfilled and they do not have cravings.

Cooling While Boiled Potatoes after boiling builds up starch which also has great effects on losing weight. Sweet Potato and other root vegetables do a great job.

These foods can help you if you are looking for some results in the long run. It takes time and effort. Even after trying many things, the results are slow or maybe not kick. Well, that’s the thing with weight loss, results take time. If you want some extra help in losing weight fast, hold on because I have something for that too. I am going to disclose something which can literally make wonders if you add it to your diet plan or workout regime.

Combine this with your diet and the results will be much faster and it is completely natural.

Alexandra’s Change

It helped a lot of people, and 96% of them recommend this product to others too. This is a completely natural product with no side effects. This has shown people changes within the first week and drastic results in the first month. Fast Burn Extreme is a completely natural product that can help you lose weight fast as it burns unwanted fat.

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Check the article below for a complete review and breakdown of the product so that it can build your trust up.

Leafy Green
Photo by Pille R. Priske on Unsplash

6) Leafy Greens

Leady greens have amazing properties which are definitely unique and make them perfect to include in a weight loss meal. They are rich in carbohydrates have a lot of fiber and the most important part they are low in calories.

By consuming leafy vegetables, you can eat large amounts and still gain no calories. This is one of the greatest advantages of leady greens.

Apart from that, they have vitamins, antioxidants, and carbs which also help in having good health.

Some Leafy Greens are Spinach, collards, kale, and few others.

Legumes and Beans
Photo by Gary Sandoz on Unsplash

7) Legumes and Beans

Not all types of beans and legumes are healthy for you so I am going to list them. Kidney Beans, Black Beans, and Lentils, and some others are going to help you.

They have great protein and fiber content and the protein content is almost equal to meat. Isn’t it great?

But the only problem is that they contain a certain amount of resistant starch which may not be suitable for people. It is very important to prepare them properly.

They are some good addition to your weight loss diet.

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

8) Vegetables With Fibre and Proteins

Cauliflower, Sprouts, Broccoli, and Cabbage are some of the examples of these types. The difference between normal vegetables and these is that they have proteins and fiber which make them perfect for weight loss.

Their Protein Content cannot be compared with meat and legumes but they definitely have more protein content than other vegetables. If you are a vegan then this is definitely a plus for you.

These are easy to prepare when compared to legumes and so it an easy make for you.

They are nutritious and another advantage is that they contain cancer-fighting substances.

Photo by ja ma on Unsplash

9) Fruits

Many experts say that eating fruits is really healthy. When Compared people who eat Fruits and Vegetables were healthier than the people who did not consume them.

Fruits definitely have the properties which make them weight loss friendly. They contain fiber and natural sugar. You might have read that natural sugar is bad and not weight loss-friendly. This is completely true, but not in the case of fruits.

As they have a lot of fiber content they take a lot of time to chew and even after consuming them the fiber does not allow the sugar to pass into the bloodstream.

But if you are on a low carb diet, or a keto diet I would definitely not recommend it. If you have intolerance then definitely stay away from fruits. The rest of them can use it happily and burn that fat.



Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

10) Grapefruit

Grapefruit is definitely one of those important fruits which can help you lose weight. Many studies and research have been conducted on the effects of grapefruit on weight. The results were positive. Eating a full grapefruit before your breakfast will yield positive results.

It has also helped in reducing insulin resistance, which helped in reducing a lot of chronic diseases. You even feel satisfied and tend to consume fewer calories after eating.

Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

11) Avocados

Avocados are a peculiar fruit. Many fruits are completely filled with fiber but avocados are filled with healthy fats along with fiber and potassium.

Despite having a lot of fat content they even have great water content.

Something more interesting is that they contain the same type of fat present in olive oil which is monounsaturated oleic acid. This fruit with rare features is definitely a great asset.

Whole Grains
Photo by Paweł Wiśniewski on Unsplash

12) Whole Grains

Cereal grains are not so good for you. You might think that all grains are healthy but no it is not. There are two types of these:- Processed and Unprocessed. Processed grains like cereal grains lose their fiber content and Unprocessed Grains like Whole grains have rich fiber content.

Whole grains even do contain a good amount of protein. Some examples are brown rice, oats, and many more.

Oats are loaded with fiber which helps in increasing your metabolism and makes you feel full and stops cravings. Brown rice and white rice have a good amount of starch.

Refined grains are not very healthy and should be avoided as much as possible. There are many people who have a label as Whole Grains but they are refined. so check properly and purchase, they make you fat and are even harmful to your health.

They have high carbs so if you are on a low carb diet please avoid whole grains.

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

13) Nuts

If you are looking to add something to your snacks then nuts are a great choice. They are high in fat but they do not make you fat, because they have a balanced amount of proteins, fiber, and healthy fats.

Research and facts show that eating nuts can help you in improving your metabolic health and helps in losing weight. Those who consume nuts are said to be much leaner and stronger than people who do not consume.

If you just binge eat nuts definitely stay away from them as they still contain fat.

Chiller Pepper
Photo by Mockup Graphics on Unsplash

14) Chilli Pepper

Consuming Chilli Pepper can be very useful during weight loss as they contain capsaicin. Capsaicin is a substance that is shown to reduce weight, appetite, and burn fat.

This substance is included in top weight loss supplements like Fast Burn Extreme.


Track your nutrition or fitness goals with Free apps like Cronometer to know how close you are to your goal.

Take some of these suggestions and add them to your diet plan.

If you have less time or want quick results naturally then check out Fast Burn Extreme.

Check out this article on how to lose weight using yoga.


All content and media on this page are solemnly written for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. The given links are affiliate links, which means I get a small cut when you buy the product with no extra cost for you.

Thank You.



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