Weight Loss Mistakes For Beginners

Weight Loss Help
6 min readJul 22, 2021


Weight loss is simple if you do it in the right way. I am not implying that the results will be slow or fast, in any manner. But most people commit the same mistakes while trying to lose weight. Well, worry no more because I am going to discuss them in this article.


1) Not Tracking Your Calories, and What You Eat.

Well, this is the biggest mistake that most people tend to make while starting their weight loss journey. They do not track their data. It may be the food they are consuming, the exercises/workouts they are doing, or the calories they are burning.

It is very essential to track the data as it gives you the results of change and growth which builds your confidence. Some Apps tell you what is essential and what mistakes you are making. Well, there are many apps, but I use and suggest Cronometer. It is a free app with all the features required and is very easy to use.

Know more about Cronometer here.


2) Illusion of Cutting Sugar

Many people know that sugar is a strict no if you want to lose weight. Many people do know this and reduce their sugar intake. Many people do not know this and continuously take sugar content. Doing this will harm your mind and body.

Some people do stop consuming sugar content, but they consume indirectly. They take sweet beverages and soft drinks. This is also not a healthy habit.

Now, this is going to be a shock to most of you. Some 100% fruit juices have more sugar than soft drinks. Yes, it is true not all fruit drinks are good for you. You have to do your own research as to what suits you. You can use Cronometer App to know what suits you and how many calories does your present juice contains.


3) Losing Motivation

Yes, I know that it might be difficult for anyone to maintain the same amount of motivation every day. There might be some lapses and you might not feel motivated enough to go further. Many people have this issue and everyone does something to prevent this lapse and get going. Some people talk to themselves, motivate them and go on. Some people watch motivational content and inspire themselves.


This one is very strange and worked for many people. They placed a bet on themselves and make a huge profit for losing weight and make money their incentive to lose weight.

It is very simple, You bet on yourself setting a comfortable goal. If you lose weight you will be getting more money. Many people find a cause to lose weight as they will lose their money if they do not. On the other side if you meet your goal you will win and earn more money. This website is called HealthyWage.

They have paid to a lot of people and are trustworthy. If you are really confident and want to make money while losing weight then definitely visit HealthyWage.

Know more about HealthyWage Here


4) Eating Too Less or Eating Too Much

Weight Loss is all about balance. Many people over-fast and binge eat after some time. Most people stay on a low-carb diet and tend to eat a lot of fat.

Low Carb Diet is known for reducing hunger but some tend to eat a lot more than necessary.

Eating Dry Fruits is good for weight loss as they have nutrients that help in keeping you active and healthy. Although over-consuming them is also not good. They also have fat and eating them more than necessary is not good for weight loss. This also applies to fiber and protein content. Do not over consume any of these. Take them in a balanced way.


5) Expecting Results Fast- Using Unhealthy Supplements

Many people have very unrealistic expectations. They want to get results very fast. There is no such thing as fast results. Weight Loss takes time and few natural supplements will help in reducing your effort.

Many people also consume very unhealthy supplements which have a lot of side effects. There are good supplements in the market that will help in losing weight not quickly but a little bit fast with a little less effort. Adding a natural supplement to your diet and workout regime will help you in quickening the process.

Fast Burn Extreme is a Natural Supplement that will help you in losing weight. There are a lot of positive testimonials and helped a lot of people.

Know more about Fast Burn Extreme here.


6) Neglecting the Labels

Many people do not read the contents on the label given on the food items. Proper awareness of the food we consume is very necessary if you are thinking of losing weight. You may consume some unwanted calories and unhealthy foods.

Many Food packaging companies also tend to change their serving size as well.

But now many packaging companies are hiding the sugar content in some fancy words. This is really dangerous, but there is a simple solution to this. You can use the barcode scanner in the Cronometer App to know the complete information of the product.


7) Lack of Proper Understanding when Exercising

People tend to overestimate the number of calories burnt during exercising. 10 minutes of running can burn around 500calories and it is equal to consuming a banana. People do the wrong estimation and end up burning fewer calories and consuming more calories.

Some people over-exercise which can lead to frustration, severe injuries, and health problems. Forcing yourself to exercise more than needed to burn more calories is unhealthy and can be dangerous.

So you should be self-aware about your body. You can use Cronometer to check this.

If you mostly do yoga or home workout and looking for some equipment or anything regarded to exercise then definitely check ProSourceFit. They have everything you need at affordable prices and give a 10% or more discount on your first purchase.

Shop at ProSourceFit Now.


8) These are a list of some minor mistakes:-

- skipping meals,

- not getting enough sleep,

- not taking enough fiber and protein, and

- not drinking enough water.

These are some of the common mistakes most people make, and I hope you will not repeat these mistakes after reading this article.


DISCLAIMER-All content and media on this page are solemnly written for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. The given links are affiliate links, which means I get a small cut when you buy the product with no extra cost for you. we do not guarantee anything and everything is here for education. We do not take any sort of responsibility for anything. Thank You.



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