Get Paid to Lose Money

Weight Loss Help
9 min readJul 22, 2021

So you are losing motivation or maybe looking to gain some money losing weight. Well is there really a website that would pay you to lose weight, is it legit, and what should you do?

Many of you must be thinking of these questions right now. Well, do not worry because I am going to explain this clearly in this article.



If you are serious about losing weight and are afraid to lose money and would do anything for it. Yes, then is program is definitely for you.



HealthyWage is an online company that pays its users (if they meet their goals) cash prizes up to $10K. It just makes your weight loss journey more effective and fun. It is a 7 step process, which I will be explaining in this article.

1) You Should Calculate Your Prize

2) Set Your Weight Loss Goal and the Duration/Deadline

3) Make a bet on yourself

4) Verify Your Weight Before Starting the Challenge

5) Get Going to drop those pounds.

6) Verify Your Results

7) Get Paid

I am going to explain each of these individually. I am also going to explain …..

1) Calculating Your Prize with HealthyWage Calculator

Start by visiting HealthyWage Calculator to know how much you can win for your weight loss goal. Feel free to play around as it is just a mock and there is no responsibility as of now. Your goal is to set the number of pounds you want to drop in the time period set.

Do remember that you have to at least drop 10% of your present weight for your minimum weight loss goal.

The results will just be varying as you set different values. After checking everything you will enter the amount you want to bet per month. Many people who have got success and huge profits have entered big numbers as it used to hurt them every time they wanted to quit.

2) Set Your Weight Loss Goal and the Duration/Deadline

After you have finished entering values in the HealthyWage Calculator then you will be taken to the next step. You will be asked to enter your height, weight, and other important things. Now you can check your prize money.

To check your prize money you have to enter your email and verify it.

The average price for achieving goals is $1300. The prize money is going to be different for everyone. The motivation to get that money back is also going to be different.

So now you have to make a bet, start losing that pounds and get paid.


3) Make a bet on yourself

After getting the prize amount, You should decide whether you want to place a bet or not. You will need to make a payment monthly or all at once, as you wish.

4) Verify Your Weight Before Starting the Challenge

Many people think that they can easily cheat here! But no, it does not happen like that. HealthyWage acquires your actual weight before starting the contest. They will also acquire your weight after completing the challenge and compare it to check if you have hit your goal.

There are 3 ways to verify your weight at the start -

a) Using the HealthyWage App you should record a short clip using your personal scale, from your home or any other place of your comfort.

b) Create a Short Video Clip showing your weight on the scale and upload it to HealthyWage Website securely.

c) You can visit a Weight Watchers Meeting for Verification.

You just need a smartphone and a scale to measure your weight. It is a one-time process and there is no need for repetition again until the end. HealthyWage does not track your information so it is best to use Free Apps like Cronometer.

Check this article to know more about Cronometer.

If you have more doubts just visit this page.

5) Get Going to drop those pounds.

Create a perfect plan and stick to it. Always remember about the money and make it keep you going. This often serves as a good motivation for a lot of people to lose weight. Many people lose their money as were not able to complete the challenge.

Set realistic goals, and work towards them.

6) Verify Your Results

Verifying Your Results is the same as uploading your video clip for initial verification. Record your weight and submit it to them via the modes given. Those modes are mentioned above in the Submission of Video part above. Apart from that, you will also be asked to submit a before and after photo. So please be sure to have them too. They will also ask for a Verification Id to cross-check your credentials.

As of 2021, they are mostly not asking for Before and After Photos, but keep them for safety.

Please weigh yourself in the given time period otherwise you might lose money.

If you have more doubts just visit this page.


7) Get Paid

If you have completed the challenge you will get receiving your money. There are two ways to receive your earnings, via Paypal or a Mailed Check.

Mailed Check takes at least 3–5 weeks to process and HealthyWage may charge a little amount as a fee to issue. Paypal is fast but PayPal charges a 3% fee for utilizing their services.

You will be earning HW points as you complete your challenge. One HW point is equal to $1. Apart from withdrawal, you can also use these points to join a new challenge.


Many tests and researches showed that rewards especially cash rewards may increase the effectiveness of the weight loss programs. People will take action if their money is at risk. Who wants to lose their money and who says no to a winning bet.

Healthywage uses a simple scientific technique about human behavior. They think that an incentive along with a loss aversion can make the individual reach their goal.

When people know that they will lose money if they do not put in the work, then it hits differently.

This technique is definitely working as many people have lost weight using HealthyWage.



Normally you can use the weight loss bet challenge. Apart from that, there are also other challenges you can use to earn money. You can participate in multiple challenges at the same time to multiply your earnings. These can be a team or individual challenges.

Jackpot Challenges: This challenge can be done as an individual or as a team. Your money goes into a pot and if you or your team completes the challenge ( lose at least 6% of your body weight ) you win the pot.

Step Challenge: Connect to a step counting or tracking apps in order to participate in this challenge. You can participate as a team or as an individual to reach the step goal and win the pot.

$10,000 Team Challenge: Teams of 5 participate to compete and lose the greatest percentage of weight to win cash prizes. The top prize is $10,000.

Employment Program: HealthyWage also offers its programs to Companies and Organizations looking to implement wellness and weight loss programs for their employees. This is a great program for the company as it helps the company to reduce healthcare costs and the number of sick days.


There are many weight loss success stories at HealthyWage. I am going to list some but there are more here.

These are real people who won big money by making the changes necessary in their lifestyle.

Check all these before and after pictures, they are motivating.


These are quite a few success stories that I have mentioned, but there are more and more and you can also be one of them.


Many people think that the HealthyWage program is a scam as they say that it closely represents gambling. HealthyWage is a legit company and has been around since 2009.

HealthyWage makes a profit from people who do not stick to their plan and fail to complete the challenge. HealthyWage also makes money from sponsorships, corporate partnerships, and other things.

You might be thinking about what will happen if 100% of the people completed the challenge. Well, it has not happened since 2009, and let us hope that more people complete their goals.

This is completely in the participant’s hands and so I do not think that it is gambling. HealthyWage paid about $20 million as of now.

Still do not trust, well then check their website and success stories.


If you are struggling to keep on going or need some motivation to push forward then HealthyWage is definitely for you.

It is also applicable to people who just want to make a lifestyle change. Well if you are making a change then why not get paid for it. It can be used by anyone who wants to earn money while losing weight.


Well if you are serious enough to lose weight and earn money then these are some things you might need. Everything depends on having the right plan and execution.

1) Have a clear plan

Create a proper plan as it helps you to move forward with understanding and insight.

2) Find an accountability partner

Definitely, money keeps you accountable to get it done. Apart from that find someone whom you can rely on and make them keep pressure on you and make you accountable.

3) Track your Calories and Fitness

Many people do not track their fitness and calories. This is a very big mistake committed by most people. There are many Free Apps like Cronometer which will help you track everything, adjust your plan, and helps in logging in with many additional features.

Check more about Cronometer Here.



All content and media on this page are solemnly written for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. The given links are affiliate links, which means I get a small cut when you buy the product with no extra cost for you. we do not guarantee anything and everything is here for education. We do not take any sort of responsibility for anything. Thank You.



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