Yoga Poses to Lose Weight Fast

Weight Loss Help
12 min readJun 25, 2021
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Well is you are looking to lose weight and gain consciousness of your body and mind definitely yoga is a great practice for you. You must have heard many myths about yoga. Some say it is just a set of exercises and some say it is a practice of spiritual life. Well, some of these myths are partly close but nothing is close to the original definition.

It is the process of combining your body, mind, and soul. It is an evolution of gaining self-awareness. In simple words, it is a style of workout with a combination of the spiritual side.

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Yoga is a combination of 5 simple elements that help you in losing your weight slowly.

- Exercise

- Diet

- Breathing

- Relaxation

- Meditation

With the combination of these 5 elements, you can not only lose weight but you can definitely see a whole new yourself. Let me tell you something at the start itself, yoga is a slow process of losing weight. It takes time and consistent effort to get results. Diet also plays an important role in you achieving this. It may not seem easy at the start but you can practice it.

But if you want to lose weight fast naturally with yoga or without yoga definitely check this article out.

But if you are interested in yoga then I suggest you keep going.

Photo by Ginny Rose Stewart on Unsplash

How does Yoga help in Weight Loss?

Many of you, must have tried out some exercises to lose weight. You must have observed that they are difficult, sweaty, and take a lot of effort. But yoga is sedentary and calm. So how yoga helps you in losing weight?

There is where the magic lies in yoga. It can be practiced by anyone. It may be calm but the effect of the exercise has a great effect on your body without you even noticing. It is beneficial to your mind, body and also creates the alpha image of yourself you always wished for.

Any weight-loss method seeks two things — exercise and diet. It may be intense cardio, weight lifting, or even yoga. Diet always plays an important role in your journey of weight loss. Yoga helps you in gaining mindfulness and helps you in choosing the right foods, instead of just binging foods. Yoga is altogether a great practice for a great lifestyle.

Yoga exercises are of two types — Restorative Yoga and Power Yoga. Restorative Yoga may not be intense but it still helps you to lose weight eventually, and especially abdominal weight. While Power toga is a little more intense and helps you in burning more calories a lot faster. If you are a beginner I suggest you go with Restorative Yoga.

Yoga not only helps you lose weight but helps you in gaining muscle and increases metabolism. Many people tell that after practicing Yoga they had a lot of change in their body. Weight loss, calmness, less stress, and an increase in mindfulness. Let me explain some of these aspects in a bit of detail and then we will move on to the asanas.



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a) Mindfulness with Yoga

The main aspect of yoga is to strengthen your mind. It gives awareness as to what exercises to do and what food to consume.

Many people consume unhealthy foods and eat more than needed because they are not conscious of the food they eat. If you are someone who wants to lose weight but is suffering from this issue then yoga is a great fit for you.

It affects your consciousness of how different foods affect your mind, body, and your spirit. Recent studies show that people who are practicing yoga, have been able to resist consuming junk food and comfort eating as they gained more consciousness about their body. They were also able to tune in with their body and know when they were full and stopped consuming more food than necessary.

It is better to perform yoga with a light stomach rather than a full stomach to have more effect.

b) Yoga and Sleep

Most weight gain happens when you oversleep. As yoga helps you to understand more it helps you in maintaining the optimum sleep, not less not more. When you consistently practice yoga you can have a night of better sleep and sleep fastly. 6- 8 hrs of sleep is advised as optimum.

In yoga, we practice Yoga Nidra which helps you maintain your sleep and stress associated with your rest.

c) Your Senses are always active

If you practice yoga consistently then it ultimately helps in you understanding your body and you can be more active than ever.

d) It helps in increased flexibility

e) Improved respiration and metabolism

f) Improved Cardio Health

g) Stress Management

Yoga is not a quick weight loss program. It takes time and effort. Even after trying many things, the results are slow or maybe not kick. Well, that’s the thing with weight loss, results take time. If you want some extra help in losing weight fast, hold on because I have something for that too. I am going to disclose something which can literally make wonders if you add it to your diet plan or yoga workout regime.

Combine this with yoga and the results will be much faster and it is completely natural.

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Yoga Pose or Asanas
Photo by Alex Shaw on Unsplash


Now as you have checked out the importance and benefits of yoga, let’s get to the important part of yoga the asanas or the exercises. These are some yoga poses that will help you in losing weight.

Boat Pose Yoga
Boat Pose

1‍)Boat pose

This yoga pose is a whole-body exercise, which tears up your core and enhances your muscle strength. It strengthens the muscles and promotes metabolism. Thus burns down more calories and promotes weight loss. It enhances flexibility. This is the process:-

- Sit straight with extended legs

- Now bend the knees.

- Lift your feet up of the floor as though your shin is parallel to the floor

- Extend your hands parallel to the floor

- Hold the pose for around 30 seconds

-Now release and repeat it for 5 times

Upward Plank
Upward Plank

2‍) Upward plank

This is one of the difficult exercises for a beginner but benefits a lot in weight loss. Do you want rock-hard abs, then start practicing an upward plank pose. It is one of the best yoga poses for weight loss. This is the process:-

- Sit with your legs stretched and straight.

- Keep your hands behind your hips, fingers pointing towards the feet.

- Prepare to rise up slowly, with your feet straight and pointed

- Try pulling your head back while raising.

This might feel a bit hard at first, it is the exact opposite of our push-up position. With consistent practice, it will become easy.

warrior pose
Warrior Pose

3) Warrior pose

Just like a warrior posing this exercise is more of a stretch and is fun. The step-by-step method to do this pose is listed below.

- Stand straight with your feet together

- Stretch your legs apart back and forth

- Now bent the knees of your front leg and keep the other one parallel to the floor.

- Raise your hands overhead.

- Hold the pose as much as you can (never stress yourself too much that might end in pain)

-Now switch the side and repeat it as though.

San Salutation
Sun Salutation

4) Sun salutation

Sun salutation is also called Suryanamaskara. It is one of the popular yoga poses to reduce belly fat. There are around 12 breathe poses that tone all over the body. This single yoga pose involves various other poses too. The step-by-step method to do a fresh and refreshing Suryanamaskara is listed below.

- Stand straight on your legs

- Inhale deeply and lift your arms overhead

- Bent forward and exhale out

- Now jump your feet back to the plank pose.

- Hold it for around 5 full breaths.

- Next, drop the knees down, and place your lower body on the floor

- Extend your legs keeping your hands under the shoulders

- Now inhale halfway to turn into the cobra pose.

- Switch to downward dog facing pose by exhaling.

- Hold it for 5 breathes

- While exhaling, jump up to your feet on top of the floor and bend.

- Inhale and lift up your arms overhead.

- Exhale and relax.

Those are quite a large number of steps. So for a beginner, I suggest doing it one by one and after practicing it you can do it as a rigorous pro.


‍5 ) Trikonasana

This is the ultimate triangle pose. This Triangle pose is a highly beneficial yoga pose for several health issues. Though it does not directly contribute to your weight loss. It enhances digestion and thus reduces the fat deposits in the belly, thereby the best yoga to reduce belly fat. It also includes muscles reducing your born fat. The step-by-step method to do this pose is listed below.

- Stand straight with your hands overhead

- Now widen your legs sideways.

- Stretch yourself down with your hand touching the same feet. Just like a triangle

- Your upper hand should be straight facing the ceiling along with your eyes.

- Hold up the pose for around 5–6 seconds

- Now return back and repeat on the other side.

Gas Release Pose Yoga
Gas Release Pose

6‍) The gas releasing pose

One of the effective yoga poses to reduce belly fat and contribute to weight loss. It releases the state of being blotted due to trapped gas and boosts digestion. The step-by-step method to do this pose is listed below.

- Lie straight with your back on the floor, with stretched legs.

- Now fold one of your legs at the knee

- Slightly bent the knee and try touching it to your chest

- Lock the knees with your arms around it

- Now try touching your nose to the knees lifting your neck forward.

- Hold it for few seconds and repeat it with the other side

- Now do it with both legs simultaneously. You do look like a fetus in a mother’s belly clinching to yourself.

Seat Forward and Bend Pose
Seat Forward and Bend Pose

7‍) Seated forward bend pose

This intense pose provides deep stretches for your entire back from heels to the neck. It also ensures stress management, thereby controlling your stress eateries and contributing to weight loss. The step-by-step method to do this pose is listed below.

- Sit straight with your legs straight on the mat.

- Bring your arms straight out to each side, then slowly overhead.

- Inhale and draw up your spine straight

- As you exhale, bend forward and try touching your feet with your hands.

- On each inhale lengthen your spine and each exhale deepens to your forward bend. You become a pro, once you hold your feet completely bending forward.

Chair Pose Yoga
Chair Pose Yoga

8) Chair pose

The chair pose, as the name sounds, is to make a posture as you are sitting in a chair. The step-by-step method to do this pose is listed below.

- First, stand straight with your legs together and arms straight up above your head.

- Bet both the knees simultaneously. Not too much, but you should see your feet while looking down in the posture.

- Hold the pose for 30 seconds.

-Now relax and repeat. The chair pose gives strain to your thighs and muscles, reducing the extra fat absorbed.

Downward Dog Pose Yoga
Downward Dog Pose Yoga

9) Downward facing dog pose

It is a good yoga for weight loss. The step-by-step method to do this pose is listed below.

‍- Lie on the floor with your stomach on the mat

- Slowly lift your body with the limps and make a pose just like a small mountain

- Hold it for some time and feel the strain in your belly.

- Return back and continue doing it.

Cobra Pose
Cobra Pose

10) The cobra pose

Also known as Bhujangasana, it is almost akin to a snake’s pose. It is good to reduce the fat of your upper body and abdominal muscles. Not recommended for pregnant women. The step-by-step method to do this pose is listed below.

- Lie facing down the mat, with feet flat on the floor and palms down to either side.

- Press the floor with both hands and make sure that your fingers are just below the shoulder muscles.

- Pull your shoulders slowly, slightly backward

- Give focus on your abs and bend back more with the belly button towards the spine.

- Keeping your hands, hips, and feet firmly on to the floor, lift up your upper torso, keeping your chin upwards

- Hold it for 4–5 full breaths.

- Push yourself higher with each exhale.

These exercises are a mix of Power Yoga Asanas and Restorative Yoga Asanas. These as a combination with some light asanas and strong fat-burning asanas are a great mix for you helping you in losing weight.

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How Often Should You Do Yoga to Lose Weight?

Practice Yoga as often as possible whenever you have free time. It best to at least practice 4–5 times a week. It helps in training your body and builds your cardiovascular system and often improved results. If you are a beginner take it slowly and improve it gradually. It helps in building your strength and you are less prone to injure yourself.


All content and media on this page are solemnly written for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. The given links are affiliate links, which means I get a small cut when you buy the product with no extra cost for you.

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